Child Abuse
Child Abuse Hot Line:
1 (800) 540 – 4000
1 (800) 540 – 4000
Who has to take the Child Abuse Awareness Training?
- All LAUSD employees are required to take the Child Abuse Awareness Training. In order to ensure the safety of our students, it is critical that all District employees clearly understand their responsibilities
What do I need to do?
a) You need your LAUSD Single Sign-On /Email Account.
If you have not activated your account, visit the following site: From the Quick Links area, click on the link labeled New Employees Start Here. You will find information on how to activate you account, set your password, and set up an email client to view your email. Your SSO account is used for LAUSD system such as Learning Zone, INside LAUSD, and BTS Employee SElf-Service
If you have have forgotten your SSO password, visit the LAUSD Single Sign-On Self Service Console at:
b) You need to Enroll in the training
- You should already be pre-enrolled, but if you HAVE NOT been pre-enrolled, you can self-enroll in the Learning Zone – either way, do the following:
- Use your Single Sign-On username and password to log in,
- From the Learning Zone homepage, click the Courses Tab
- Click on the “Class Offerings – Search for and enroll in available classes” link
- In the Program field, use the dropdown arrow and select “School Safety“.
- Click the Search button.
- The current year’s Child Abuse Awareness Training link will display. Click on the link, and the class will open in a new window.
- At this step you will know if you are or are not enrolled in the class ** if you are NOT ENROLLED, click on the Enroll Now button, and then
- click on the OK button to confirm your enrollment.
- You will receive the following message “You have successfully enrolled in the class”
- Close the window and return to the Learning Zone Homepage by selecting the HomeTab located on the upper left corner of the screen.
- The video is available online here
- You will have the ability to start and stop the online video at various points and continue the training at your convenience.
- Your training will be deemed complete after passing the 10-question assessment with a score of 100%
- To take the test
- From the Learning Zone homepage, click the My Assessment Tab