Academics » Targeted Student Program Advisor

Targeted Student Program Advisor

Yulie Kim
(Updated January 30, 2023)

The essential duties of the English Language /Bilingual Coordinator services Virgil Students who have been identified as English Learners (EL) as follows:
  • Assessment and identification of English Learners
  • Recommend placement and modifications to the instructional program of English Learners according to the Master Plan for English Learners
  • Conduct on-going program assessment and evaluation to improve the effectiveness of the Master Plan Program for EL students.
  • Monitor the instructional program and academic progress for EL students.
  • Provide staff development to teachers, paraprofessionals, and other school staff to increase their skills and knowledge in meeting the needs of EL students.
  • Order and maintain inventory of equipment and materials purchased with EIA-LEP funds.
  • Assist parents to conduct effective ELAC meetings.
  • Testing duties
  • EL Action Team

The Essential Duties of the Title I Coordinator

  • Oversee and monitor testing program both in and out of classroom.
  • Analyze testing scores and recommend modifications to improve the effectiveness of Title I students.
  • Monitor program and progress of Title I students.
  • Provide staff development to faculty, students, parents, and support staff to provide for a more effective and accountable instructional program for all Title I students.
  • Work with the department chairs, administration, and other staff to oversee the implementation and monitoring of the school plan.
  • Provide parent training through the Parent Inservice Program.
  • Provide tutoring for Title I students through peer tutoring and paraprofessionals.
  • Provide and oversee:
    • Supplementary Instructional Materials
    • After School Tutoring
    • Staff Development
    • Parent Teacher Conference Attendance
    • Curricular Field Trips
    • Partially Funded Health Services
    • T.A. – Bilingual
    • Supplies to Support School Program

Title I

Virgil Middle School is a school-wide Title I, school which means that all students qualify for supplemental services. All teachers and support staff should have a copy of Virgil Middle School’s School-Wide plan. If you need a copy of the plan, ask the Categorical Office. Teachers interested in requesting funds should do so through their department chairs. Requests must be in compliance with Virgil’s School-Wide Plan.
Compensatory Education (Title I and EIA-SCE) program funds are used to pay for supplemental services needed to raise the academic achievement level of participating students in basic as well as in more advanced skills. Additional support may be provided through staff development and health and guidance services. Supplemental funds may not be used to replace or supplant the general funds and program the district provides the school.
All stakeholders, including certificated and classified staff, parents, and students, have the opportunity to participate in the design and implementation of the program through the School Site Council, School Leadership Council, and on-going parent and teacher trainings.