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  •  10:48 Virgil Middle School Medical Activities

    Virgil Medical and Health Science Magnet (VMHSM) aims to become the middle school that produces the highest percentage of professionals in the medical field. VMS magnet students participate in programs provided by Kaiser Permanente, Cedar Sinai, Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles, and UCLA Brain Research Program. Kaiser Permanente’s Hippocratic Circle is a mentorship program by Kaiser Doctors. Cedar Sinai’s Brainworks Program allows Doctors at Cedars-Sinai to cultivate an interest in medicine and brain science. UCLA’s Project Brainstorm leads students to learn and touch an actual human brain. Combining classroom high expectations and programs that encourage students to be part of the medical field, Virgil Middle School Health and Sciences Magnet will produce our future medical professionals.

    Uploaded Oct 11, 2023. Also listed in Why Virgil