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  •  3:49 8th Grade Receiving their CPR Certification Training

    The Importance of CPR Training and Certification CPR helps keep blood and oxygen flowing and dramatically increases the chances of survival in those who suffer a cardiac arrest. Here are 10 great reasons why you should learn CPR: Heart Disease is the Leading Cause of Death in the United States According to the CDC, heart disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S., claiming the lives of more than 600,000 people each year. CPR Saves Lives While heart disease is on the rise, CPR can help save lives. According to the American Heart Association, more than 350,000 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests occurred in 2016. Sadly, 88% of people who suffer from a cardiac arrest outside of the hospital die. However, when properly and promptly performed, CPR can dramatically improve person’s chance of survival. Anyone Can Learn CPR Anyone can learn CPR and everyone should. The American Heart Association reports that 70% of Americans feel helpless to act in the event of a cardiac emergency because they either do not know how to effectively administer CPR or their training has lapsed. The Life You Save May Be That of a Loved One Did you know that four out of five cardiac arrests occur at home? Not only that, but many victims of sudden cardiac arrest appear healthy and may not have any known heart diseases or risk factors. Performing CPR promptly may save the life of someone you love. Prevent Brain Death Brain death occurs four to six minutes after the heart stops breathing. CPR effectively keeps blood flowing and provides oxygen to the brain and other vital organs, giving the victim a better chance for full recovery. Everyday Health reports that If CPR is given within the first two minutes of cardiac arrest, the chances of survival double. CPR Makes You Smarter Let’s face it, by the time you complete CPR training, you’ll know something that you didn’t know before you started! You’ll Feel Confident in the Event of A Cardiac Emergency CPR classes will equip you with the tools and the confidence you need to transform yourself from the role of bystander to lifesaver. CPR certification will give you the necessary training to make the right decisions in the event of a cardiac emergency. CPR Classes are Fun By nature, CPR classes are hands-on and interactive. While there may be some online training involved, course participants will learn how to properly execute chest compressions in a fun and supportive environment. (source:https://www.aed.com/blog/10-reasons-why-you-should-learn-cpr/)

    Uploaded Oct 11, 2023
  •  3:28 Kaiser Permanente Partnership Hippocrates Circle Doctor Mentorship Program

    Hippocrates Circle is a Southern California Kaiser Permanente program designed to motivate under-represented students towards careers as physicians. This community outreach was founded in 2000 at the San Diego Medical Center by Dr. Ricardo Sistos (Family Practitioner at Kaiser’s Rancho Bernardo Medical Facility), Maria E. Torres and Laarni A. Fontillas (Sales and Account Management, Labor and Trust Funds). The program included four interactive venues between students and physicians. The first venue is an opportunity for students and physicians to share personal experiences and discuss challenges to achieving a successful medical career. In the second event, students tour Kaiser Permanente medical facilities and experience a day in the life of a physician. The third venue is a tour of a medical school campus. Students meet medical students, as well as members of the admissions committee, to address questions about medical school. Concluding with a graduation ceremony with the students, their families and mentoring physicians celebrates the students’ participation in this program and their goal to pursue a career as a physician.

    Uploaded Oct 11, 2023
  •  10:48 Virgil Middle School Medical Activities

    Virgil Medical and Health Science Magnet (VMHSM) aims to become the middle school that produces the highest percentage of professionals in the medical field. VMS magnet students participate in programs provided by Kaiser Permanente, Cedar Sinai, Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles, and UCLA Brain Research Program. Kaiser Permanente’s Hippocratic Circle is a mentorship program by Kaiser Doctors. Cedar Sinai’s Brainworks Program allows Doctors at Cedars-Sinai to cultivate an interest in medicine and brain science. UCLA’s Project Brainstorm leads students to learn and touch an actual human brain. Combining classroom high expectations and programs that encourage students to be part of the medical field, Virgil Middle School Health and Sciences Magnet will produce our future medical professionals.

    Uploaded Oct 11, 2023
  •  1:32 Jazz Concert December Zoom Video 1

    Beyond the Bell sponsored Jazz Concert for our students and staff. A great Big Thank You to K Jazz and 88.1 Radio Station for providing us this concert. Our students and staff greatly appreciated the performance. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    Uploaded Oct 11, 2023
  •  2:42 Jazz Concert December Zoom Video 2

    Beyond the Bell sponsored Jazz Concert for our students and staff. A great Big Thank You to K Jazz and 88.1 Radio Station for providing us this concert. Our students and staff greatly appreciated the performance. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    Uploaded Oct 11, 2023
  •  4:07 Jazz Concert December Zoom Video 3

    Beyond the Bell sponsored Jazz Concert for our students and staff. A great Big Thank You to K Jazz and 88.1 Radio Station for providing us this concert. Our students and staff greatly appreciated the performance. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    Uploaded Oct 11, 2023