Programs » Beyond the Bell - A World Fit For Kids

Beyond the Bell - A World Fit For Kids

Hybrid Model Day Care Options

Students who wish to participate in Day Care Options during their none in person instruction day have the options to participate in Day Care at Virgil Middle School.  Parents need a completed paper application in order to participate in the Beyond the Bell Day Care program.  Complete the application and turn-in the completed application at Virgil Middle School.  Beyond the Bell will process your application and contact you regarding placement.  The application is located below this page. 

Beyond the Bell Branch Central Office

333 S. Beaudry Ave, Floor 29
Los Angeles, CA 90017
Phone: (213) 241-7900
Fax: (213) 241-7562
[email protected]

Program Activities

Period One (1 Hour) – Homework Help:

Students will be given help with their homework and will also be given additional activities such as Math, Reading to help them in school. At the end of this period students will be provided with a healthy nutritious snack.

Period Two (1 hour) – Main Activity:

Students will take part in fun sports and physical activities, arts and crafts, drama and many more.

Period Three (1 hour) – Recreation / Parent Pick Up:

Students will get to choose what activity they want to do, such as playing different sports and/or board games. Parents can pick their child up during this time.

Additional Activities:

Sports Tournaments: Children will also get the opportunity to enter a variety of sports tournaments organized by the Beyond The Bell Branch of LAUSD.
Field Trips: Children will have the chance to go on field trips such as: LA Dodgers games, Tennis clinics, theme park trips, beach trips and many more.

General Information

Enrollment: Enrollment is limited. After receiving your enrollment form, the Site Supervisor will contact you to tell you if your child has been accepted into the program and when he/she will start.

Attendance: Regular attendance is important. Children who have three (3) unexcused absences in a row will be asked to leave. Students attend the WFIT! program only when they attend school. Children are expected to stay in the program for at least the first two (3) hours every day.

Student Pick-Up: Students in the WFIT! program can sign themselves out of the program each day and walk home or be signed out and released to you or another individual authorized by a parent. If your child is being signed out to yourself or another individual, he/she must be picked up during the final hour of the program. If your child has not been picked up by the end of the program, WFIT! staff will try to contact you. Late pick up may result in your child being dropped by the program.
Discipline: Participation in the WFIT! program is a privilege. Every child must follow the rules of the program. Your child will be required to sign a Personal Responsibility Commitment.
Failure to follow this commitment will result in the following:
First Offense: Warning
Second Offense: Time-Out or Loss of Privileges
Third Offense: Parent Contact
Fourth Offense: Suspension from the Program